Wednesday, May 9

Nextflix Reviews - KL Zombi

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I was just saying in my review of Plan Z earlier today about the proliferation of zombie movies that are being made, I mentioned the difference in quality from film to film, but I forgot to talk about the different tones they have, zombie comedies are pretty popular it seems and the zombie movie phenomenon is pretty global too with this one a case in point. It's a zombie comedy from Malaysia, the KL stands for Kuala Lumpur that countries capitol. 

A group of friend's watching fireworks from a cliff top see a cute little poodle who bites one of them and he becomes patient zero. Before you know it the zombies are everywhere plaguing the group members wherever they are, working at school, trying out for a TV popstar talent competition and such like. The main protagonist is Nipis, (which translates as Skinny), he's a bit of a slacker and doesn't notice the dead around him for quite a while, even playing hockey with a team of undead!
Being a comedy and maybe because it's a foreign film the rules are a bit different , the zombies seem to react to pain more rather than just having their heads bashed in, they seem to be able to knock them out. Some of Skinny's fight scenes play out like Robert Downey Jnr's Sherlock Holmes ones where he plans out the attacks before implementing them. He gets out fought by a couple of kids he hooks up with quite a lot though. I suppose it's like Shawn of the Dead a Zom/Com/Rom a zombie comedy romance as there is a love interest for Skinny. 

I quite liked the movie, it was silly mainly, without any real belly laughs, perhaps some of the humour was lost in translation and it didn't have any scares but I didn't mind it at all. Perhaps it was just the novelty of it and if it had been in English or not from an exotic location I'd have disliked it more!

Check out some more zombie stuff HERE!



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My wants list

I just thought I'd put this online so I can check it on my phone if I ever need to. Also if anyone is looking to trade or anything. ...