Tuesday, May 29

Nextflix Reviews - Z Nation

Want to know what to 'watch next' on Netflix? Check out my Nextflix Reviews

Is it possible to get too much zombie stuff? Obviously there is some rubbish stuff out there but this show is not amongst that category by a long shot. This is a very cool show with lots of action and humour with a cast of believable characters. I discovered it when the 1st season popped up and binge watched it straight away and have done the same as each subsequent series has been released. 

The zombie plague has pretty much taken over the entire world with only pockets of human survivors struggling to survive in the hostile environment. The show starts by showing us a medical unit's attempts to create a vaccine using prisoners as test subjects. One of their guinea pigs Murphy is tied to a gurney and injected with the most recent experimental batch of the anti-zombie vaccine but the room is overrun and he is attacked and bitten multiple times by the undead. Instead of dying or being fully consumed he awakes as a strange human/zombie hybrid with telepathic powers over the undead. In season one a team of survivors gather and take up the mission to get Murphy across country to another facility where they can develop a vaccine from his blood. They discover that Murphy's bite turns people into hybrids who are not attacked by zombies but can be influenced by murphy's mind over zombies power.

The team varies as events claim some of their lives or allegiances change but the main players who have survived the longest so far are ex-soldier Roberta Warren, the team leader, a driven and capable woman who is the team's brains; Doc, an aging hippy with a heart of gold and a taste for weed who applies his medic skills and drug knowledge as best he can; 10K a youth with a knack for sniping who takes his name from his proposed Z kill target and Addy a nice girl turned spiked baseball bat swinging Amazon bad-ass by the necessity of life post-Z apocalypse. They are aided from outside the group by Citizen Z who is the lone operative at a government listening/viewing post in the Arctic Circle, he directs them as best as he can using satellite technology but in a world full of chaos he can't always get the message across.

The story of their travels is influenced by the zombies that are always in their way and the living communities that they encounter along the road. Each season seems to culminate with an end to one phase of the mission and the beginning of another as events seem to always conspire against them. 

Although they fight alongside each other for survival there is often conflict within the group too. The dynamic in the team changes fairly often with Murphy himself being the main catalyst for trouble within the group. This friction increases when he is able to father a daughter by a human, who also has zombie controlling powers of her own amongst other abilities. He's a criminal after all and he has his own ideas about the world's future with himself as the ruler of his own zombie/hybrid community. His bite offers survivors safety from zombies which is very tempting for them and Murphy is fed up with being the subject of human experiments and thinks his kind are the future.

The tone of the show is serious in the main but there is a lot of humour in it too, like a slightly less serious and angst ridden The Walking dead. It's got drama in all the right places but is able to induce more than the odd laugh through crazy situations and quirky encounters.

Netflix has 3 seasons available to view right now although 4 have been released so far and a 5th is in the works too. Hopefully we won't have too long to wait as it was left on rather a meaty cliffhanger. 



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My wants list

I just thought I'd put this online so I can check it on my phone if I ever need to. Also if anyone is looking to trade or anything. ...